Day 152 – Oil Sands Tour

Prior to the trip out west, I was very excited for this day.  I was going to participate in an oil sands tour.  I am curious by nature and was looking forward to seeing something I figure I’ll probably never have a chance to see again.

And then I woke up at 2am.  It has been a number of years since I have been really stomach virus sick.  I’ve had mild forms of the flu over the years, but not upchucking sick in a long time.  So I assumed it was food poisoning.  And when it had subsided by 5am, I thought I would be fine to catch the 7am bus to the airport.  And as we sat in the airport waiting for several hours due to a mix up with the charter, I thought I just needed food.  I found out differently when I got on the plane!

Anyway, here are my pics from the tour.





Everyone got a pic by the giant tire.




Slightly different vending machines.


Not sure if it is ‘site’ humour or real.


Speaking of site.  I find it funny how those in Fort McM use that word. We would say “I am going to the site or off-site or on-site” but those in FM say “Ok, when you get to site, you have to be aware of your surroundings”. Or “I work at site”.

Some shots from the airplane on our way back out.




Barf bags are my friend.


Unfortunately, I missed the Sunday night social event as we arrived back at the hotel around 6pm and I went straight to bed and crashed for about 16 hours or so.


Day 138 – Fashion Show

Today I had a taste of what life with a girl in the house may have been like – and I am definitely missing out.


Kaylee and I  took turns trying on outfits to determine exactly what our Monday night and Tuesday all day outfits would look like.  I think the bedroom would always be littered in clothes, shoes and jewellery if another girl were in the house for any length of time. I would be constantly changing outfits to get her opinion.


Day 131 – Mothers Day

Today we had a feast! I gained 5 lbs between the time we left the house and when we came back 5 hours later.  So many mussels. And lobster – and dessert!


Not everyone was fond of the lobster.  This was as close as Charley wanted to get.


We also visited Rodger at his nanny’s house.


And Marley, too – she looks very content.


Shout out to my big boy.  He could not find one card which summed up what he wanted to express…so he bought 3.

Go ahead, say it – awwwwwwww.


The funny thing is that he calls me “Mum”.  I guess they don’t make cards that say that. Hashtag ThanksTickyTy!


Day 124 – My nemesis

These bugs!

See the red beetle by my plant?  The red lily beetles are out eating my lilies already.  If I don’t kill them all before they mate (and I won’t) then they lay eggs which turn into poop covered larvae under the leaves which then can pretty much eat a plant in a day. I had an insecticide once which killed them but I think it is illegal now due to our bylaws.  So I have to either drown them in soapy water or squish them.   Either way, I have to individually pick them off the plants every day.  But they just keep coming.

Sorry for the blur….my camera is not good close up with teeny tiny things.


Despite the burlap wrapping, some of the older cedar trees took a real beating this winter. I think a combination of the freshly stained deck and too many hits with the shovel killed this one.  Hard to believe this was only a foot tall when we moved in 5.5 years ago.


Finished up the mulching and cutting back of plants today.  Looking forward to picking up some pretty annuals for the planters and pots, but it will be another month before we are safe from frost so I’ll wait.


Have a great week.


Day 117 – OCD

You can only imagine how much this drives me crazy.


Half of the facecloths come out of the dryer wrinkled like the one underneath.  The hem is closer to the top and causes the top to wrinkle and it is near impossible to straighten.  Correct – I refuse to iron facecloths!  But they do not make a nice neat stack in my closet when folded – I enjoy nice neat stacks! We had our last set of towels for 5 years before sending them to the basement bathroom….think I can live with these that long?  Pretty sure the Sears staff would look at me funny if I returned my new facecloths because they wrinkle.  Would you bring them in to exchange them if they were yours?


Day 110 – Easter

Easter was pretty low key this morning.  The big boy was meeting us later for supper so did not come home this morning and the teenager did not get up until nearly 10 – so no cute pics of little children high on chocolate for us to post on facebook.


It wouldn’t be Sunday supper without half a dozen desserts.


The peep cake was delicious.  Thanks Karen!


Day 103 – Heading home

We went for a walk this morning before I had to head off for the airport.  Thought these looked cool.  This looks like layers of rock but is actually just one big hunk.


Saw a goose out for a bite.


And then headed home.  Window seats are my favourite….love looking down and seeing what it looks like from above.DSCN8254

The boys picked me up and we went to the Maid’s for supper.  The boys noticed that if either of them grow another inch in foot size, they won’t be able to sit across from one another in these booths.DSCN8257

And this is exciting – David’s Tea has a new Frequent Steeper program!!  Cuz we all know I qualify for this.  I love that you get a card for your wallet AND keychain.  I cannot wait to start racking up the points.


Happy Sunday (hopefully the snow overnight is minimal – I noticed there is none in Toronto).