Day 89 – New towels

As my facebook friends know, I was  in the market for some new towels.  Ended up going with all one colour this time. Also, had to get both bath towels and sheets because there were not enough of the towels.  Hubby said folding alternating colours was just too much work.  But they are not near as cool looking in the closet as the old alternating brown and beige ones.  I’ll find a pic of that from my project two years ago and post in a few days.  Those ones have moved down to the basement shower.

For now, these are the new blue towels.  So nice to have fresh soft towels.  I am going to avoid fabric softener to see if that keeps them soft.


This is the lint that came from one load (it took two to wash them all).  Pretty much a facecloth size of lint.


I had a shower and used one tonight….and came out looking like cookie monster!  Apparently all the lint did not come off in the dryer.  But I refuse to rewash towels I have already folded so we will all just have to suck it up for a few days and use linty towels.

Have a great week.


Day 82 – Random Sundays

Random Sunday pictures today:

Hubby fed the birds again.


The tulips have obviously not heard about the 20-30 cm of snow we are expecting on Wednesday.DSCN8043

The oak trees are budding.


And so is the lilac tree.


The cat seems to have calmed down.  She was acting very freaky when we got home last night….like we left her for 2 weeks instead of 36 hours.


I started some seeds today….they are several years old so we’ll see how many actually germinate.DSCN8050

And I baked some chicken breasts and bacon….for weekly lunch salads.


Those are my Sunday randoms.

Na night.



Day 54 – Tea and Hockey

What a finish for the Olympics – Canadians are so proud!  Third place in the medal standings with 10 gold, 10 silver and 5 bronze….not bad Canada.


I don’t usually watch hockey games, but had to see the gold medal game.  Not that I saw any of the three goals scored.  SO weird.  Three times I got up during a break to make tea, and three times I came back to find out Canada had scored.  Pretty sure David’s Tea and I should get an assist, or at least honourable mention for the gold medal.


And in the event that my favourite lawyer friend who likes to diss the government workers is reading this, here is our poor little civic parked in the government parking lot with a very few other vehicles.


I put in 9 hours at the office on Sunday.  It is not all fun and games, you know!



Day 47 – Sunday Storm

Stormy Sunday today.

Snow fell overnight and then the wind blew it around all day long.  A nine-car pileup just past the toll booths shut the bridge down for several hours this afternoon, too.


So I did some laundry, analysed some thesis data and watched some Olympic games. The men’s curling was a nail biter. Thank goodness Canada made the final shot! As they say, it is a game of inches. When you see those guys giving it their all brushing, there is no way you can say they are not athletes.  And while skaters and skiers may finish their competition within minutes, the curlers play for nearly the full two weeks of competition.


And I finally had an opportunity to use the card shredder on the new paper shredder…yep, it definitely works.


Tomorrow is Islander Day….I could get SO used to 4 day weekends!


Day 33 – Groundhog Day!

Another beautiful day on the Island. Groundhog Shubenacadie Sam did not see his shadow so winter will end in 6 weeks, but Wiarton Willie saw his so there will be 6 more weeks of winter.  Not sure who to believe – I guess the NS hog over the Ontario one. It snowed over night and hovered between -1 and plus 1 all day.  I should have hit the ski hill but the kid wouldn’t come with me and I did not feel like going by myself.  Hubby even offered to drive me out and wait for me – noyce! But the mess of photo albums in the living room was driving me crazy so I had to buckle down and finish my little project.  Turns out I ran out of albums before I ran out of pictures.


I am not sure if I should buy 4 more to fill the shelf (which means also printing pictures taken after 2008 which appears to be when we stopped printing) or just buy one for the last 200 pictures. Hopefully Amazon still sells these or I will have to start all over again with a different matching set!

Don’t worry Ty – I took time out to make my famous chocolate cake for tomorrow night.  The downside of having a 24 year old – I don’t get to see him on his birthday because he has other plans.


And now for the final birthday picture.  Happy Birthday to our big boy! Hope you had a great day!! Can’t wait to see you tomorrow night.

Big and littles

Love ya lots – from Mum, Dad, and that pesky little bro.


Day 19 – Potter franchise

Let me start with a shout out to my favourite big brother – you know which one you are!  In response to an earlier post, he dropped off 20 lbs of P.E.I. baking potatoes this afternoon.  Thanks!!!


Now, on to my other picture of the day.

I remember purchasing the first Harry Potter book to read to our oldest son when he was about nine or ten.  I only got to read to him a few nights before bedtime as I was not reading enough each night due to a certain toddler climbing all over us at the same time.  It was not long before the big boy picked up the book on his own and I never did get back into it.  As a result, I had never read the books or watched the movies until recently.


The big boy comes home for supper and a movie on Sunday nights….looking forward to watching the final movie in the series tonight.