Day 147 – Cruise ship season

I always know when a cruise ship is in the harbour.


I hear the clop clopping of horses several times a day. I hope the tourists were not expecting a warm island.


Oops!  I may have had a lot on my mind lately and forgot to water my new tulips.  I wonder if they will stand back up overnight now that they have water.  Oh well, I guess I won’t see them after tomorrow night anyway.



Day 143 – Tulip festival

Today I noticed the tulips have popped in the park.  The Charlottetown Tulip Festival is a commemorative event held as part of the celebrations around the 150th sesquicentennial of the Charlottetown Conference in 1864.  The city looks fabulous with tulips on every corner and in various other spots.


The trees are coming alive in the park, too.


This is in front of the fire station.


And this beside city hall.  I think I will get some bulbs from Vesseys and cover my southeast facing bed on the side of the house.  It will make a lovely display next spring.


I noticed the city put these little rock pads in various spots and spread fresh mulch last week for the royal visit.  Charlottetown looks fantastic this spring!


A crew was fixing this sidewalk up town – how much do you think I wanted to come back and put a handprint into the fresh concrete?


I saw this in front of the Queen St. Starbucks and thought it was cute.


You’ll note my pictures are much more interesting when I get out and about – otherwise they are the same old pics from the office or of my front or back yard.  Today it was so cold I thought I might even catch a picture of snow flakes falling!

Happy Friday!


Day 132 – Fleurs

I think I warned you that after all the snow pictures this winter, expect lots of flower pictures this summer.  While we did have some wet flakes falling this evening, I got out before that to take some pics of my spring flowers in bloom.


The daffodils and tulips look great and I love that the lupins in behind will then bloom after these flowers die off. The blue hydrangea will then take over after that. Love the multi coloured daffodils.


I pulled these out of a north facing bed and replanted them in the south facing one – they obviously enjoy this side more.


Hopefully the allium open before the peonies get too tall.


And darn these bleeding hearts.  Every year I pull what I think is the final piece of root out of this bed and every year a bit comes back.  I love the look of these, but they will completely take over the bed if you let them.  Maybe I should dig it up now instead of letting it grow over the summer. I think I put some back in the tree line to see if they would grow there – I should check on that tomorrow evening.



Day 100 – Spring Flowers

Happy 100th day of 2014!

This should be a much cheerier subject than yesterday’s. The sun was out today and enough snow has melted that I can get around to the south side flower bed.  Things are sprouting!



Daffodils perhaps?




And even the lupins I started from seed last year are coming up.


I cannot wait to pick up many bags of mulch and get a nice clean fresh layer on everything.  Although I don’t look forward to edging….I have to do that every year and it is not my favourite part at all.




Day 82 – Random Sundays

Random Sunday pictures today:

Hubby fed the birds again.


The tulips have obviously not heard about the 20-30 cm of snow we are expecting on Wednesday.DSCN8043

The oak trees are budding.


And so is the lilac tree.


The cat seems to have calmed down.  She was acting very freaky when we got home last night….like we left her for 2 weeks instead of 36 hours.


I started some seeds today….they are several years old so we’ll see how many actually germinate.DSCN8050

And I baked some chicken breasts and bacon….for weekly lunch salads.


Those are my Sunday randoms.

Na night.