Day 132 – Fleurs

I think I warned you that after all the snow pictures this winter, expect lots of flower pictures this summer.  While we did have some wet flakes falling this evening, I got out before that to take some pics of my spring flowers in bloom.


The daffodils and tulips look great and I love that the lupins in behind will then bloom after these flowers die off. The blue hydrangea will then take over after that. Love the multi coloured daffodils.


I pulled these out of a north facing bed and replanted them in the south facing one – they obviously enjoy this side more.


Hopefully the allium open before the peonies get too tall.


And darn these bleeding hearts.  Every year I pull what I think is the final piece of root out of this bed and every year a bit comes back.  I love the look of these, but they will completely take over the bed if you let them.  Maybe I should dig it up now instead of letting it grow over the summer. I think I put some back in the tree line to see if they would grow there – I should check on that tomorrow evening.