Day 182 – The last post


It would appear that this is about the half way point of the year (365 days divided by 2 is 182.5).  Unfortunately, I have used up 80% of my allotted blog space, though. When I began, I did not realize there is limited room to post.  Now I understand why friends start new blogs occasionally. Hubby says I could give him all the pictures and he could minimize them all to make more room, but that sounds like a LOT of work to me.  Therefore, it looks like this will be the last post.

My facebook friends will still see pics posted once in awhile, but I doubt I will do it every day.  You might be surprised at how much of a commitment this is every day. Yeah, I probably just talk too much on the blog. Someone once told me I was prolific on facebook….after I looked up the word I realized he was probably not complimenting me.

And so I leave you with these shots of the Canada Day fireworks. Courtesy of hubby who has been a great supporter by noticing interesting things, looping back around so I can take a picture, editing my typos and reading and liking my stuff.




Happy Canada Day!


Day 175 – Runners

I think I have a new favourite place to run with hubby.


I used to run longer but he ran faster….now he does both more than me.  To run together, we go to the local high school track but the biting bugs and tiny rocks in our shoes do not make it ideal.  Tonight we tested the outdoor track at the university and it is awesome!  No bugs or rocks, and the open space makes it seem larger than the old one we used.

I find it amusing that the techy in the house uses the very old RCA MP3 pictured below while I have the ultra new iPod which holds thousands of songs, pics and video (“the thinnest ever”).  He is really very good to me.


His said “20 tracks” when I picked it up which made me wonder if that is all it holds. He is gonna need more music for the 1/2 marathon this fall.


Day 174 – Biker chick

Hubby and I went for a bike ride tonight.  Thank goodness summer has arrived. Sunshine and 22 degrees – perfect! And check out the beautiful views.


Just cows….


This is Charlottetown across the water.  Looking at the cars in Victoria Park, a lot of people must have taken advantage of the beautiful evening and headed outside (oh, you cannot actually see the cars in this pic – but there were a lot). I should have taken the picture on the way down the hill when hubby suggested it – this view would have included many sailboats heading out from the harbour.


We were not the only ones getting some exercise along Ferry Rd.


Maybe next time hubby runs, I can bike along side him.  Not sure how much of a work-out he got tonight – like following a toddler on his adult size bike.


Day 173 – Fleurs

Just realized I did not take any pictures today.  Sundays are always busy.  I did some banking and chores, went for a run, then weeded and planted annuals in my flowerbed.  I thought about taking a picture of the sun since we have not seen it in a month.

Took this instead.


In addition to adding annuals to the bed to give it some more colour, I filled four pots for the front step and by the garage doors.  They are straggely now, but will fill out soon.   I  need to get some begonias from VanKampens for the deck planters I hang on the railings. And maybe get something from Jewels for the back deck.  Yep….I love flowers.